STL – The Unseen Voyage (Something Vinyl Series 09) – 8/10

Stephan Laubner from Germany opens the record with a nicely ticking and smoothly grooving but somewhat unoriginal track, raising fears that he, too, suffers from complications of the minimal virus. Despite of a sci-fi-sounding title, “Space Warriors” is the most  laid-back cut of the EP but because of its length embraces the listener and the groove keeps haunting afterwards. Then “Radionoize” is a fragmented short-wave cacophony. B-side sends on a journey across the Atlantic as “Walk With Me” follows the footsteps of soulful Detroit house. A gentle but rhythmic track that harmonises well with the final “Me, Myself and I”. Four loops come as a bonus.
STL is like a kindred spirit with Danilo Plessow AKA Motor City Drum Ensemble, fellow German and Moodymann disciple, and presents a lively and attractive release here.

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