TV Victor – GRV Vol. 1 (NSP 08) – 9/10

Repetitio est mater studiorum, repetition is the mother of learning. The introductory lesson lasts 10 minutes 46 seconds and is titled “130509”. A blunt, even too blunt loop keeps going like Du**cell bunny, only the whole experience is not as soft and furry. It’s self-confident, sterile techno that advances in a majestic way, free of any rush. Hints of dub have been added, but the track bears only slight resemblance with Basic Channel or Chain Reaction releases.

Darker feelings appear on the B1 or “010709”. It’s droning and thumping, more minimalist track from the hidden spheres of mind. The most recent release of Non Standard Productions concludes with ambientish sound collage, TV Victor letting loose his experimental urges. “100609” features hangman’s drum and random noises dragged to the daylight from remote corners of the universe.

Udo Heitfeld, the man behind TV Victor, is close to Hardwax camp and has published several records on Tresor. His CV includes also Gagarin Kongress, a project for techno floors that was found in a recently reviewed 90’s compilation (“Astralleib”, remixed by Joey Beltram). “GRV Vol. 1” is a solid pack showing a somewhat elitist face of the contemporary techno. The first track is in a freund-ly way edited by Tobias Freund, having recently put his talented fingers also on Margaret Dygas’s “Frankly”.

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