Klanken – Untitled (Deewee DEEWEE002 – 2015)

klankenOut of nowhere comes Klanken – the first artist on the newly founded Belgian label Deewee, which is set up in Ghent by David and Stephen Dewaele, both so far known as 2 Many DJ’s or Soulwax. The first thing to say is that Klanken should not be mixed up with the Dutch artist Klankman, although their sounds have quite a few things in common.

The single’s ‘Kant A’ (‘A-side’) gives a clear proof about a new undercover agent joining the Benelux-based operations of robust acid electro, along the likes of Ekman, Shitcluster or Unit Moebius Anonymous. Nerdy yet tense synth lines are topped by eerie moaning and the only downside is the shortness, about four minutes, of the inaugural track. The flip offers a bit more tempo and a funkier take of devilish grooves and crushed vocal samples recall Baby Ford’s T-Rex cover “Children Of The Revolution”.

Both sides have lead-out grooves and the vinyl comes in printed inner sleeve that comes with masses of static electricity, at least it was my experience when removing the record first time.

Points: 9 of 10

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