Every noise has a note, believes Trensmat Records, a label located in Trim, Meath County and Ireland, increasingly pursuing deviant electronics to be cherished by open-minded dance floors.Chris Haslam aka Dwellings from the Manchester group Gnod was already featured on Trensmat’s big success “Gnod Presents … Dwellings & Druss” andRead More →

Rating: 9/10 KPLR has enslaved technology to conduct high-end acid experiments with punishing repetition and whirling EQ-effects. It’s pure unlimited programming that systematically avoids looking into the books of current techno idols. Occasionally the tracks remind of early Bunker output like Acid Planet, but those looking for bass-driven 303 slammersRead More →

KPLR This year we have witnessed the invasion of wired punks moving on the fringe of electronic music. Hailing often from small-town America and ignoring the trends of the techno jetset, this new breed of artists has stirred up the scene in 2011. KPLR, Container, Red Stars Over Tokyo, PeteRead More →