All of a sudden, Room 506 is inaugurated with a landmark release, giving us a new definition of industrial sound rites. Orange marbled vinyl* that has been selling out quickly, will be a dominant release at the year’s end and strong contender in the race for the very best of 2015. Steely kicks andRead More →

Ancient Methods is now a one-man operation of the Berlin producer Trias who designed a mix for the Secret Thirteen webzine. The selection largely deviates from Ancient Methods’s annihilating techno war funk and presents the introspective side of the artist’s mind archives, for example featuring contemporary classical guru Arvo PärtRead More →

Rating: 9/10 It happened on 6 July 2011 when the edition of 50 copies was sold in a couple of hours, after tweeted by Blackest Ever Black. Meticulously handcrafted, good-smelling cardboard package was shipped to several countries of the world, hopefully not to be confiscated by customs. The surround soundRead More →