Humans (EP – TM01) by Philipp Otterbach Buy vinyl from Juno (UK) Buy vinyl from HHV (DE)     Signals from the sector ‘8dÖdodfPw4s’ Syncom Data guys have started simultaneously two labels that already during the first audition don’t sound even remotely related to each other. While Westcoast Cruisers areRead More →

After Cloistral’s “Նվիրվածություն” mind-absorbing ambient deepness recorded in Armenia, another impressive release has landed on the Swedish outlet offworldcolonies ltd. with the title that translates like ‘if this is the end, it’s our last one’. The label’s fifth release comes from various artists, in a criminally limited run of ten cassettes thatRead More →

With echoing creak, the door opens to the world of abandonment, spider webs covering a metronome that sets the pace towards the midnight. Diabolical noises are gradually growing to hardly digestible sonic oppression where the crudity has its certain charm. Fifteen minutes of the A-side’s “Exav 2B” are a tourRead More →

Established in 2008, Plan B Records is a true New York City powerhouse run by DJ Spider and Lola aka Dakini9 who have supplied many of the label’s releases. In the same, they have hosted a number of techno and (deep) house producers, if to recall only Amir Alexander who dropped wonderful deep house EPRead More →

The A-side of “La Saignée” (“Bloodletting”) is exactly what we can expect from Metaphysik, one of Berlin’s danse macabre outlets, which is keen to explore the sounds of mental and physical decay. The opener “Death Elemental” is written by Lee M. Bartow aka Theologian who launched back in 1997 an American noise project under theRead More →