Harmonious Thelonious is a tour guide to the amazing world of native polyrhythms, steering a perpetual percussion machine to exciting locations around the globe. In a new expedition for London’s The Trilogy Tapes, Middle East serves as a source of inspiration for Stefan Schwander’s project that is able to impressRead More →

Saint Abdullah, a project by two US-Iranian brothers, was introduced to the world with the track “Mossadegh’s Revenge For 52” on Boomarm Nation’s spectacular “Family Album 2017”, a digital compilation from the experimental side of dub and world music. Prior to that, the duo had promised intense cross-cultural experience with someRead More →

Electronic music’s foremost Afro-futurist keeps up the connection to Interdimensional Transmissions: Ten years after the label debut as I.B.M. (=Insane Black Man), Jamal Moss reappears at the Ann Arbor squad under the same alias. It turns out that Moss had something to hide back in the days, because the double vinylRead More →

An entirely X-obsessed release by two electronic heads, originally known as Nochexxx (here disguised under Chxfx) and Ekoplekz (Plkzfx), who come with a split release to demonstrate expertise about machine manipulations.Chxfx’s territory is filled with wrenched sound explorations, characterized by rhythm disorder and noisy lo-fi mess all over the place.Read More →