This time a brief post about a Digitalis’ two-track digital single by Paco Sala that works as a teaser for the forthcoming album out this spring. “Gift Of The Bloom” features female vocals by Leyli who sounds like a French pop diva. In the non-album instrumental track “Gold Zone” glittering synthRead More →

Rating: 8/10 First it made me think of UND, the duo that produced theatrical tech-house with tongue-in-cheek attitude. MD0 turns an eye to Asia having captured voices from the life on young Japanese ladies who are fond of designer clothes and chic jewellery. Sound wise it is quite eclectic mixRead More →

Rating: 5/10 This twelve lines up with dozens of other bootlegs and unofficial releases exploiting the life and legacy of the King of Pop. Difficult to believe it is a honest tribute release, although the title track “Thank You Michael” tries to bow down before M.J. using the gospel style,Read More →